
About us

  Giordana Di Castro for 25 years a professional in the real estate sector in Israel  Since 2012: Selling luxury properties to the heads of the Israeli economy, hi-tech, and foreign residents.  Building a marketing strategy that includes meeting, training, matching properties, and preparing for transactions for many clients from different backgrounds and with different needs. A lot of work with appraisers, mortgage consultants, architects, banks, brokers, entrepreneurs, construction companies, and more. Giordana Di Castro  CONCEPT DESIGN 1992-2008 Consulting and investment company · Locating, buying, renovating, and selling luxury residential properties in the central area · Real estate investments and improvements and selling properties to clients from abroad ·  I returned to this job I was engaged in many years ago from 1993 to 1995 · Marketing land and buildings for improvement · Accompanying projects at an architectural and executive level, planning, and execution. Architectural st

what we do 6 - Real Estate Coaching

  “Coaching is about helping people to achieve their goals and to realize their full potential”  Buying a property is a complex, important, and sometimes daunting project. This is true for families looking to purchase their first apartment and for experienced real estate investors alike. We help you realize the maximum potential of your purchasing power by removing unnecessary complexity, providing answers to your questions, and connecting you to the very best professionals for your type of property and geographic area.  Our clients get more for their money, avoid common pitfalls, and can sleep quietly at night, knowing that we helped them make the best choice for their specific needs. What is Real Estate Coaching? Real Estate Coaching is a service aimed at solving real-estate purchase complexity.  Buying a property in Israel entails dealing with a number of professionals: real estate agents, mortgage consultants, bank representatives, project managers, designers, suppliers, and lawyer

what we do 5 - We help and accompany you when you decide to buy an apartment under construction

 Buying an apartment from a contractor is an "on paper" purchase and requires more caution. Contrary to the purchase of a second-hand apartment (from a private individual), it is a purchase from a large and qualified company (the contractor or the promoter) that deals with the real estate sector and specializes in its legal part. Your consultant will be able to ensure that the apartment and building for sale are built exclusively by a registered contractor. He has a valid license, and the contractor's construction activities fall within his professional and financial classification. Your consultant will only introduce you to the companies that have demonstrated skills and professionalism in the previous buildings that the contractor has built, checking the finish level and the contractor's attitude towards his obligations. For example, he has demonstrated that he meets the deadlines for the delivery of the apartments. He gives reasonable assistance in case there are t

what we do 4 - helping to build your budget

  Before taking the step of buying a property it is important to have the right vision of expenses and how to manage them, whether it is the acquisition of a property for residential purposes or whether you want to make an investment with future income. A financial advisor is often responsible for more than just executing simple transactions like acquiring a mortgage, or helping to choose the right property. The consultant must know how to think on behalf of his clients and take advantage of all his skills in the field to help his clients choose the right economic and financial steps to take.  Consultants use their knowledge and skills to build customized financial plans that aim to achieve client goals. These plans include not only investments, but also savings strategies, budgets, insurance and taxes. Consultants further check with their clients regularly to reassess their current situation and future goals and plan accordingly. It is not necessary to be rich to benefit from the serv

what we do 3 - strategy builder for property sellers

  In the telematic world, where information is within everyone's reach, selling a house has now become almost like a science, with sellers having to know how to use different tactics and strategies to get the best prices from buyers. Our consulting service includes winning suggestions for creating a successful home sales "formula" that applies to both modest and luxury markets.  First of all, an accurate evaluation of the property is needed, which is not subject to the limitations of the real estate agent involved. All real estate agents are not the same and it is important to find the right one for your transaction. . Selling your home is one of the most expensive and stressful life decisions, so it's imperative that the agent you ultimately choose represents your best interests. He or she should be the most knowledgeable about the nuances of the neighborhood and the differences in street-to-street real estate sales. This knowledge is essential and could mean the dif

what we do 2 - We put together a professional team of property experts'

  after working for decades in the real estate field in Israel, we have acquired the right contacts to be able to present you with the best in their field. We know how to tell you that it is very important to know how to rely only on experts who know how to solve problems professionally without falling into unnecessary problems. Real estate agents, lawyers, real estate appraisers,  architects and designers, concierge services, construction companies, and entrepreneurs. Each of those who we will be able to address to you is a professional in her field and has proven to be able to solve problems even for customers who live far away. Above all, he knows the mentality of people living abroad and knows how to respond to their needs from afar. Our team has been selected among the best in the field and with them, you will be sure to reach your goals without hindrance.

what we do 1 - Relocation professional services

  Are you thinking of coming to live, (or returning) to Israel? We have set up a new dedicated service to help you relocate your family in the simplest way possible which includes real estate professional experts ( but not only ), lawyers, concierge services, designers, technicians, and handymen to help you make everything even from afar. - If you are looking into renting a property in Israel, we will be happy to learn about your and your family's needs to introduce you only to the most professional  real estate  agents that can match your expectations to find your perfect home. -If  you already own a property and want to renovate it before your return, we can introduce you to the best architects and designers who will follow your and your family's needs and direct the work to adapt your old home to your new needs. You will arrive when everything is ready. - if you are looking to buy and  if you are trying to figure out how to buy an apartment that will be ready for your ret