what we do 6 - Real Estate Coaching

 “Coaching is about helping people to achieve their goals and to realize their full potential” 

Buying a property is a complex, important, and sometimes daunting project. This is true for families looking to purchase their first apartment and for experienced real estate investors alike.

We help you realize the maximum potential of your purchasing power by removing unnecessary complexity, providing answers to your questions, and connecting you to the very best professionals for your type of property and geographic area. 

Our clients get more for their money, avoid common pitfalls, and can sleep quietly at night, knowing that we helped them make the best choice for their specific needs.

What is Real Estate Coaching?

Real Estate Coaching is a service aimed at solving real-estate purchase complexity. 

Buying a property in Israel entails dealing with a number of professionals: real estate agents, mortgage consultants, bank representatives, project managers, designers, suppliers, and lawyers.

Every single professional has their own motivations and goals, they often do not communicate with one another and the burden of making things happen and advancing your purchase rests with the buyer - With you. Buying a house today costs more, takes more time, and is much more overwhelming than it could be.

We solve that through Real Estate Coaching.

How does Real Estate Coaching work?

Real Estate Coaching follows three steps approaches:

  1. After understanding what you are looking for, we will craft a tailored property purchase plan (PPP).  The plan will be both realistic and the best you can get for your money in the market.

  1. We will assemble a team of professionals and connect you with them, but we will not leave you alone to deal with them. We will facilitate and orchestrate communication to streamline and make sure that nobody ‘drops the ball’. Meeting deadlines and closing loops are our bread and butter.

  1. We will project-manage the whole purchase process and follow the team of professionals with your interest in mind. We will not rest until you will be satisfied with your property purchase.

Costs and fees

Unlike real estate agents, we don’t earn a fee from any property that you purchase, we don’t have a ‘portfolio’ or property to show you and we are not affiliated with any specific constructor.

We work for you.

We charge a flat fee that is tailored to the scope, size, and complexity of the purchase process. We are always upfront about what our fee will be and you will always be in control and free to engage or disengage from our coaching service.


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