what we do 3 - strategy builder for property sellers


In the telematic world, where information is within everyone's reach, selling a house has now become almost like a science, with sellers having to know how to use different tactics and strategies to get the best prices from buyers. Our consulting service includes winning suggestions for creating a successful home sales "formula" that applies to both modest and luxury markets.  First of all, an accurate evaluation of the property is needed, which is not subject to the limitations of the real estate agent involved.

All real estate agents are not the same and it is important to find the right one for your transaction. . Selling your home is one of the most expensive and stressful life decisions, so it's imperative that the agent you ultimately choose represents your best interests. He or she should be the most knowledgeable about the nuances of the neighborhood and the differences in street-to-street real estate sales. This knowledge is essential and could mean the difference that varies in the final sale price of your home. For this reason, it is good to start with an independent evaluation of the property price.

Second, you need to know how to transform the space for sale so that the buyer can imagine that he actually lives, and not in a space where the seller still lives.

In this regard, it is necessary to rearrange the property by stripping it of the weight and baggage of the past. Buyers have limited imaginations as to what they want. They are looking for a curated lifestyle and the houses set up are definitely selling faster and for more money.

All properties, regardless of their price, should be prepared and set up in the right way to receive clients in the best possible way, in an environment of fresh, neutral colors, and minimalist and trendy furniture. Simple attention to detail like making sure your driveway is clean and removing personal clutter like family photos or an old carpet can make a huge difference.

Finally, try not to be too emotional about the sale. I always advise sellers to, if possible, try to look at the buying and selling process objectively. You should be aware that markets can change very quickly. Therefore, not getting too emotional about the negotiations surrounding the sale of a home, although difficult, is one of the best ways to minimize stress and keep peace of mind. Throughout the sales process, it is imperative to maintain the appropriate perspective, from the negotiation at the time of the sale to open-mindedness to staging. For this reason, a private consultant will be able to manage moments of stress and hold your hand during the journey which will be much more pleasant and will finally lead you to the most fluid sales process possible. Selling a home is not always an easy exercise. However, armed with these tips of the trade, salespeople can achieve a positive and hopefully smooth sales experience.


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