what we do 1 - Relocation professional services

 Are you thinking of coming to live, (or returning) to Israel?

We have set up a new dedicated service to help you relocate your family in the simplest way possible which includes real estate professional experts ( but not only ), lawyers, concierge services, designers, technicians, and handymen to help you make everything even from afar.

- If you are looking into renting a property in Israel, we will be happy to learn about your and your family's needs to introduce you only to the most professional real estate agents that can match your expectations to find your perfect home.

-If you already own a property and want to renovate it before your return, we can introduce you to the best architects and designers who will follow your and your family's needs and direct the work to adapt your old home to your new needs. You will arrive when everything is ready.

- if you are looking to buy and if you are trying to figure out how to buy an apartment that will be ready for your return date, you have arrived at the right address. Our consultants have decades of experience in the world of real estate and will be happy to offer you the best deals both on projects in progress of only solid companies with a tradition of success, and compared to second-hand apartments. We can also introduce you to a mortgage consultant who will accompany you on the path to receiving a mortgage to buy a property in Israel from abroad.

We will accompany you through the process of settling down and making Israel your new home, 

You will arrive in Israel when everything will be ready for you and your families.

The service is provided (for now) in Tel Aviv, Herzliya, Raanana, Kfar Saba, and Netanya.

Call for more info at +972508375442 mummyconnect03@gmail.com


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